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Available Paintings
Available Paintings
Magical Shift
12 x 12 inches Oil on Panel The Willard Gallery
10 x 10 inches Oil on Panel The Willard Gallery
Cobalt Blue & Crystal
8 x 10 inches Oil on Panel Summerhouse Furnishings
6 x 6 inches Oil on Panel Nest Dedham
Piled Limes
8 x 10 inches Oil on Panel Nest Dedham
Yellow Vase
8 x 10 inches Oil on Panel Sloane Merrill Gallery
Green Vase
10 x 8 inches Oil on Panel (Studio)
Corner Arrangement
24 x 24 inches Oil on Linen (Studio)
Gathered Sunflowers #2
24 x 24 inches Oil on Panel Sloane Merrill Gallery
Gathered Sunflowers #3
30 x 20 inches Oil n Panel (Studio)
Gathered Sunflowers #1
24 x 24 inches Oil on Panel (Studio)
Winter Peonies #1
12 x 9 inches Oil om Panel (Studio)
Burst of Pink
14 x 11 inches Oil on Panel (Studio)
Daily Painting #17
10 x 8 inches Oil on Panel (Studio)
Daily Painting #18
8 x 10 inches Oil on Panel (Studio)
Daily Painting #17
10 x 8 inches Oil on Panel (Studio)
Bowl of Limes
10 x 8 inches Oil on Panel Sloane Merrill Gallery
Daily Painting #21
8 x 10 inches Oil on Panel (Studio)
White Violets & Citrus
8 x 10 inches Oil on Panel Nest Dedham
Reflected Still
10 x 8 inches Oil on Panel Nest Dedham
JJ Cole Apothecary Jar
8 x 10 inches Oil on Panel (Studio)
Daily Painting #27
8 x 10 inches Oil on Panel (Studio)
Hydrangea and Ranunculus #1
8 x 10 inches Oil on Panel (studio)
Hydrangea and Ranunculus #3
8 x 8 inches Oil on Panel Sloane Merrill Gallery
Hydrangea and Ranunculus #2
8 x 10 inches Oil on Panel (Studio)